Marine & offshore cables supplied to specification
These are elastomeric insulated cables normally for fixed wiring in ships and on mobile and fixed offshore units.
They are used extensively for North Sea Oil and Gas applications offshore. We offer British specification cables meeting UKOOA guidelines and also Norwegian specification cables meeting NEK606.
British Standard / UKOOA Power Cables
- Unarmoured Single Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type LE 0.6/1kV
- Unarmoured Single Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type WE 0.6/1kV
- Unarmoured Single Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type LF 0.6/1kV
- Unarmoured Single Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type WF 0.6/1kV
- Armoured Single Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type LA 0.6/1kV
- Armoured Single Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type WA 0.6/1kV
- Armoured Multi Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type LB 0.6/1kV
- Armoured Multi Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type WB 0.6/1kV
- Armoured Single Core Cables to BS7917/UKOOA Type XC 0.6/1Kv
- Armoured Single Core Cables to BS7917/UKOOA Type YC 0.6/1Kv
- Armoured Multi Core Cables to BS7917/UKOOA Type XD 0.6/1Kv
- Armoured Multi Core Cables to BS7917/UKOOA Type YD 0.6/1Kv
- Armoured Single Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type MA 3.8/6.6kV
- Armoured Multi Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type MB 3.8/6.6kV
- Armoured Single Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type NA 3.8/6.6kV
- Armoured Multi Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type NB 3.8/6.6kV
- Armoured Single Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type HA 8.7/15kV
- Armoured Multi Core Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type HB 8.7/15kV
British Standard / UKOOA Instrument Cables
- Collectively Screened Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type JG 0.15/0.25Kv
- Collectively Screened Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type KG 0.15/0.25Kv
- Collectively Screened Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type JJ 0.15/0.25Kv
- Collectively Screened Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type KJ 0.15/0.25Kv
- Collectively Screened Cables to BS7917/UKOOA Type FL 0.15/0.25Kv
- Collectively Screened Cables to BS7917/UKOOA Type GL 0.15/0.25Kv
- Collectively Screened Cables to BS7917/UKOOA Type FN 0.15/0.25Kv
- Collectively Screened Cables to BS7917/UKOOA Type GN 0.15/0.25Kv
- Individually Screened Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type JH 0.15/0.25Kv
- Individually Screened Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type KH 0.15/0.25Kv
- Individually Screened Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type JK 0.15/0.25Kv
- Individually Screened Cables to BS6883/UKOOA Type KK 0.15/0.25Kv
- Individually Screened Cables to BS7917/UKOOA Type FM 0.15/0.25Kv
- Individually Screened Cables to BS7917/UKOOA Type GM 0.15/0.25Kv
- Individually Screened Cables to BS7917/UKOOA Type FP 0.15/0.25Kv
- Individually Screened Cables to BS7917/UKOOA Type GP 0.15/0.25Kv
Norwegian Standard / NEK606 Power Cables
- Armoured Single Core Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFOU 0.6/1Kv
- Armoured Multi Core Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFOU 0.6/1kV
- Armoured Single Core Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFOU 6/10Kv
- Armoured Multi Core Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFOU 6/10kV
- Armoured Single Core Cables to IEC60092-3 Type BFOU 0.6/1Kv
- Armoured Multi Core Cables to IEC60092-3 Type BFOU 0.6/1kV
Norwegian Standard / NEK606 Instrument Cables
- Collectively Screened Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFOU( c ) 0.25kV
- Collectively Screened Cables to IEC60092-3 Type BFOU( c ) 0.25kV
- Individually Screened Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFOU( i ) 0.25kV
- Individually Screened Cables to IEC60092-3 Type BFOU( i ) 0.25kV
Shipboard – Power Cables
- Unarmoured Single Core Cables to IEC60092-3 Type LKM-HF 0.6/1Kv
- Unarmoured Multi Core Cables to IEC60092-3 Type LKM-HF 0.6/1Kv
- Fire resistant Unarmoured Single Core Cables to IEC60092-3 Type LKM-FRHF 0.6/1Kv
- Fire resistant Unarmoured Multi Core Cables to IEC60092-3 Type LKM-FRHF 0.6/1Kv
- Armoured Single Core Cables To IEC60092-3 Type LKSM-HF 0.6/1Kv
- Armoured Multi Core Cables To IEC60092-3 Type LKSM-HF 0.6/1Kv
- Fire Resistant Armoured Single Core Cables to IEC60092-3 Type LKSM-FRHF 0.6/1Kv
- Fire resistant Armoured Multi Core Cables to IEC60092-3 Type LKSM-FRHF 0.6/1Kv
Shipboard – Instrument Cables
- Armoured Instrument Cables to IEC60092-3 Type LKSM-HF 0.25kV
- Armoured Instrument Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFE-HF 0.25Kv
- Armoured and Screened Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFE-HF ( i ) 0.25kV
- Screened Instrument Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFA-HF 0.25Kv
- Individual and Collectively Screened Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFA-HF ( i ) 0.25kV
- Fire Resistant Armoured Instrument Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFE-FRHF 0.25Kv
- Fire Resistant Screened Armoured Instrument Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFE-FRHF ( i ) 0.25Kv
- Fire Resistant Screened Instrument Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFA-FRHF 0.25Kv
- Fire Resistant Individually and Collectively Screened Instrument Cables to IEC60092-3 Type RFA-FRHF( I ) 0.25Kv